History and Purpose

The South Arkansas College Foundation is a non-profit, tax-exempt Arkansas corporation reactivated in 1996 which is governed by a group of community members who represent the positive leadership of the community. These directors seek to obtain gifts and grants needed beyond the scope of tax-based funding, and to manage and expend these items for the development of South Arkansas College. SouthArk Foundation funds are distributed to benefit and advance the College, and for the encouragement and assistance of its students and faculty.

The purpose of the SouthArk Foundation is to aid, strengthen, and further the educational, literary, and scientific work and services of South Arkansas College by seeking, receiving and distributing gifts, bequests and donations, and to account for and manage assets submitted to the Foundation on behalf of South Arkansas College and the residents of its service area.


The South Arkansas College Foundation exists to build leadership, scholarship and partnerships by increasing donor support, rewarding excellence, and elevating the stature and importance of the College locally, regionally and nationally.


Our vision is to make South Arkansas College the cornerstone of lifelong teaching and learning in our community.