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About SouthArk

South Arkansas College offers over 40 degrees and certifications, with smaller
class sizes and faculty that are dedicated to student learning and your success.


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Student Organizations

  • Students enrolled at SouthArk are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities. 
  • Most organizations have open membership available to all students. 
  • However, some have selective membership based upon local, state, or national criteria. 
  • Students interested in joining a club/organization should contact the appropriate club sponsor. 
  • Students who would like to establish an organization or club at SouthArk should submit the following to the Vice President for Student Services for consideration and approval. 
  • To apply, download and submit the completed application to the Vice President for Student Services office, ECC 262 or email Adrienne Lawrence at Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.

Include the following information:

  • Name of organization or club 
  • A declaration of the purpose, goals, activities, membership requirements, constitution, and bylaws 
  • SouthArk employee sponsor 
  • At least five signatures of potential members (must be students at SouthArk) 
  • The VPSS will take the completed applications to the Student Services Committee for action and approval. 

Student Organizations

Student Government Association

Student Government Association (SGA)

Advisor:  Kimberly Moore, Director of Student Engagement


Description/Group Purpose: This group of representatives from all college programs serves as an official and representative student organization and the official voice through which student opinion may be expressed. It investigates student issues and takes appropriate action, encourages the development of responsible student participation in the overall policy and decision-making process at SouthArk, fosters an awareness of the student’s role in the learning community, enhances the quality and scope of education at the college, and provides a means for responsible and effective participation in the organization of student life.


Members of the SGA also participate in leadership development workshops, attend conferences, and plan the Fall Fest & Spring Fling events.

Honor Societies

Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)

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Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, also known as PTK, is the international honor society of two-year colleges and academic programs, particularly state colleges and community colleges. It also includes Associate's degree-granting programs offered by four-year colleges.  

Students who have a 3.5-grade point average over 15 credit hours are invited to join our international organization, the largest honor society for community college students in the country. We have had a chapter at South Ark since 1977. 

Jessica Poore- Chapter President

Hunter Davis- Chapter Vice-President (not pictured)

Christian Marshall- Chapter member

D’Arbonee Forte- Chapter member

Scott Larkin- Chapter Advisor

Teresa Hampton- Chapter Co-Advisor.

Specialty Organizations

Jobs for Arkansas Graduates (JAG)


Advisor: Dana Lawrence, JAG College Career Coach

Description/Group Purpose: The purpose of the JAG Career Association is to be a student-led organization for career-minded students who are interested in preparing themselves to enter the workforce.

The goals of the JAG Career Association are:

1. Leadership Development

2. Career Development

3. Social Awareness 

4. Civic Awareness

5. Community Service

Through career development activities, students shall come in contact with employers to explore careers, especially those in need of skilled workforce as well as to better understand needed employability skills on the job.

Membership: Membership is open to all students of South Arkansas Community College. Any SouthArk student interested in becoming a part of the organization can contact the organization Sponsor.

Programmatic Organizations

Association of Radiography Students

Student Clubs (Special Interest Groups)

Criminal Justice Club

Advisor: Amanda Rhodes, Criminal Justice Director/Instructor