Academic and Career Achievement Program (ACAP)
Our Mission
The mission of ACAP is to empower individuals with intellectual, developmental, and other neuro disabilities to live, learn, work, and participate in the social fabric of our community. We believe given the opportunity and proper support, all individuals can achieve academic success, successful careers, and personal growth.
Who We Serve
The ACAP program at South Arkansas College is designed for individuals who have Intellectual Disabilities (ID) or Developmental Disabilities (DD), and who can benefit from the college experience and want to develop a career path.
Our Curriculum
The ACAP curriculum has been designed to create a learning experience where young adults with special needs are empowered with skills necessary to be independent, engaged, and contributing members of the community. The curriculum, learning activities, and internships are structured around social interaction, personal development, independent living skills, preparation for a certificate or degree-seeking program, and/or preparation for employment.
Enroll Today!
Enroll today by completing the application form. Our program director will call you to schedule an interview and walk you through the process.