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Disability Support Services

Welcome to Disability Support Services (DSS)! On this page, you will be able to stay connected by quickly referencing important information about DSS and other relevant communication.

The primary mission of Disability Support Services is to ensure equal educational opportunities and access for students with disabilities at South Arkansas College. To learn more about DSS, please contact us at 870.875.7235. 

DSS Hours and Location

South Arkansas College West Campus
El Dorado Conference Center, Room 263
Monday – Thursday: 8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

The Role of DSS

DSS is the campus department designated by SouthArk to determine and provide access to SouthArk classes, programs, and activities for students with disabilities. The department of Disability Support Services leads the campus community in its commitments to serve student with disabilities. Through a collaborative process including students, faculty, and staff, we will meet student needs either through a reasonable accommodation or by redesigning aspects of a college program or campus life experience.

Disability Support Services serves as the central campus resource for students with disabilities covered by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Americans with Disabilities  Amendments Act (ADAAA) of 2008. SouthArk students who seek reasonable accommodations for their disabilities must first register and provide documentation to the department of DSS that meets its approved criteria. The Director of Disability Support Services will determine what reasonable accommodations are consistent with each student’s disability and advise academic units regarding those accommodations.

The student will receive an official “accommodation letter” that has been generated from the Director of Disability Support Services who has verified the accommodations for which the student is eligible. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that this letter is provided to the faculty member in a timely manner and to contact the faculty member directly to make individualized arrangements for needed accommodations. An initial memorandum will be emailed to the faculty notifying them of the accommodation(s). While the college is committed to assisting students with disabilities to participate fully in academic programs, the college is not required to fundamentally alter any programs or activities, including academic programs of study. Faculty members are the recognized experts in their fields and are responsible for identifying and describing the essential elements of academic degree programs. DSS is located in the El Dorado Conference Center, Room 263..

More about the ADA

SouthArk strives to ensure a safe environment for its students and employees. If you notice a concerning or potentially dangerous behavior, or you are a student who needs assistance please click the button and send a Cares Report. A member of the team will reach out to the student and offer assistance.

SoutArk Report Cares