Carl Perkins Grant

What is the Carl Perkins Grant?

The Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act was first authorized by the federal government in 1984 and reauthorized in 1998. Named for Carl D. Perkins, the act aims to increase the quality of technical education within the United States in order to help the economy.

How is funding dispersed?

  • Legislated at the federal level

  • Designed to support career and technical education programs

  • Dispersed from federal level to State Department of Workforce Education

  • Workforce Education distributes among state organizations, including the Arkansas Department of Higher Education (ADHE)

 Guidelines for grant-supported activities

  • Activities funded by Perkins must be measurable and tied to deficient areas as documented by core indicators determined by the State of Arkansas, or other verifiable data compiled by the institution or local business and industry.

  • Three-Year Time Limit

    • (State Imposed) Strictly enforced for funding

    • Can support the same program, but the activity must be different/new

  • No Supplanting

  • Is this a continuation of an existing activity or has this activity been funded previously by the College?   If no, continue to next question.  If yes, Perkins cannot fund this activity.

  • Is this activity a federal, state, or local requirement? If no, continue to next question.  If yes, Perkins cannot fund this activity.

  • Is this activity similar to any activity that the College or Perkins has funded in the past?   If no, continue.  If yes, Perkins cannot fund this activity.

Core indicators related to grant funding

  • Attainment of technical skills

  • Completion of industry-recognized degree/credential

  • Placement in military service, apprenticeship programs, or retention in employment

  • Participation in nontraditional (gender not age ) programs

  • Completion of nontraditional (gender not age) programs

Special focus on the following populations (special populations)

  • Individuals with disabilities

  • Individuals preparing for nontraditional fields

  • Economically disadvantaged families, including foster children

  • Single parents, including pregnant women

  • Displaced homemakers

  • Individual with limited English proficiency

Examples of how grant money can be used

  • support professional development other than one-time attendance at a conference by a single person.  The professional development activity must be part of a long- term, actionable plan.

  • purchase equipment and instructional materials to be used specifically by career and technical students

  • support curriculum design and increased online options

  • pay faculty stipends for the purpose of attending professional development

  • purchase software for the purpose of measuring technical attainment and/or tracking data for disaggregated data on special population

  • entrepreneurial or innovative programs

Grant money cannot be used to purchase

  • food

  • alcohol

  • promotional items

  • advertising

Career and Technical Education (CTE) students at SouthArk in need of resume consultation, assistance with job readiness, or placement in an internship may contact:

Tim Johnson

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