Meal Plans
Meal plans are now available for students! Breakfast and lunch are served in the Boomtown Bistro.
Two meal plan options are available:
8 meals per week for $1,138
4 meals per week for $603
Bistro Bucks, a declining balance option, will continue to be available as a standalone option or in addition to a meal plan. To add Bistro Bucks, please contact the Business Office.
The Bistro is open 7:30 am to 2:00 pm on Monday through Thursday. Breakfast hours are 7:30 am to 9:30 am. Lunch hours are 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. The Bistro is closed on Friday and weekends. The meal plans begin the first day of the semester and end the last day of the semester. Any date that classes are not in session during the semester (Labor Day, Thanksgiving Break, MLK Jr Day, Spring Break) are not included in the plan.
Students may use remaining financial aid (after tuition and fees are paid), cash/credit/debit/check, or a payment plan to purchase a meal plan or Bistro Bucks.
Interested? Check your SouthArk email account for the link to sign up for a meal plan. Or, contact the Business Office for more information!