Between the Lines
Between the Lines, a literary magazine sponsored by the English faculty of South Arkansas College, provides a showcase for creative writers, ages eighteen and older. Submissions are also accepted from writers younger than 18 if they are full-time students at SouthArk. The college publishes the magazine each spring and welcomes submissions of original poetry, short fiction, and essays from May through February each year. The editors seek high-quality material and invite creative writers—both published and unpublished—to treat the magazine as an outlet for their best poetry and prose.
Writers' Guidelines
Because we target a general audience, we are looking for well-written, mainstream poetry or prose manuscripts that avoid extremes in subject matter and language. We welcome personal essays that explore everyday subjects and issues, short fiction that vividly delivers a slice of life in a memorable style, and poems that evoke powerful images without sentimentalism and predictability.
Fiction and essays should be no longer than 3,000 words, and poems should not exceed 50 lines. Simultaneous submissions are acceptable; previously published works are not. We acquire First North American Serial Rights; all other rights revert to the author upon publication. The editor will respond to all submissions within two weeks after the deadline.
Submission Requirements
All submissions should be typed and double-spaced, with the author's name, address, and telephone number on the first page. However, the author's name should not appear on subsequent pages. The approximate number of words should also appear on the first page of short story and essay manuscripts. In a cover letter, please include a brief biographical sketch that may be used if your submission is published as well as a short list of previously published works, if applicable. All manuscripts must be in digital form as e-mail attachments. If you submit your work by e-mail, type "Between the Lines" in the subject box so that your message will not be deleted as spam.
The deadline for the next issue is March 1, 2021.
Address submissions to
South Arkansas Community College
P.O. Box 7010
El Dorado, AR 71731-7010