TRIO Upward Bound

Upward Bound is a pre-college program for high school students. This program prepares students for education beyond high school. Upward Bound is for students who demonstrate an academic potential for higher education, who meet income qualification guidelines, and who are first-generation college students.

Mission Statement

The Upward Bound program at South Arkansas Community College is committed to serving the learning and developmental needs of eligible students and families in our community, and strives to promote excellence and success in high school and college completion.

Vision Statement

Empowering students and families with the academic support needed to succeed in their educational endeavors

Upward Bound is a federally-funded TRIO Program.  TRIO is a collection of eight educational opportunity programs funded by the United States Department of Education.  The initial 5-year grant came to South Arkansas College on November 17, 2007 and has continuously  served students since!

The program is funded to serve 63 high school students from El Dorado High School in the El Dorado School District.