Course offers new approach

A manufacturing class at South Arkansas Community College this spring will be the first at the school to take a new approach to instruction and course delivery, designed to meet the needs of modern students.

Formulated with support from a National Science Foundation grant, the Instrumentation I class, which is part of the college’s process technology program, will allow students to self-pace the theory content through online-based materials and then schedule a time to come to campus to take practical examinations reflective of their mastery of the theory.

“With the theory held online and the on-campus hands-on flexible schedule, students can have more control,” career and technical education dean Ray Winiecki said.

Not only that, but this approach also allows students who might already have practical experience in manufacturing take faster steps toward a degree or certificate, Winiecki said, without being burdened with lengthy regular classroom lectures that might be unnecessary for them.

The instrumentation class is only the first of three courses that the college will offer using this method, Winiecki said, with others coming to the process technology program later next year.

The spring semester at SouthArk begins on Jan. 10, 2022. Registration is open now. For additional information about this course, the process technology program, or registration at SouthArk, see